<aside> 🧭 Mission

Our mission is to make DAOs a leading employment and investment model for people all over the world


<aside> ⚖️ Values


Our workgroup is open, honest, respectful, and direct. Whatever we do, will be used as the foundation of a better way to perform together.

🤝 Collaboration

Great work happens through open collaboration. We shall foster the spirit of open communication and collaboration towards a larger goal.

💯 Responsibility and accountability

With more power comes more responsibility, and with more responsibility comes more accountability. Responsibility is being conscientious with the power you have. Accountability is to live up to your commitments


<aside> 💥 The idea

The “DAO Contributors Sentiment Tracker” aims to be the first, data-driven measurement and evaluation survey about behaviors, attitudes and sentiments of DAO contributors. There are lots of data points and rankings on the fastest growing, most active DAOs etc., but there is a lack of understanding around the motivators of contributing to DAOs and the sentiments after contributing to them. This is currently a vacant space, and an opportunity for Bankless DAO to take ownership and showcase itself as a thought leader. The intention is to make the tracker and the insights coming out of it a benchmark and go-to reference for DAO builders, community managers, onboarding specialists and governance teams. It will also act as a useful source for anyone who wants to get a pulse check about DAO participation and engagement sentiments.


<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5a0a694d-18fd-4fbf-bba9-f18e29e0ed85/Interest_Group.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/5a0a694d-18fd-4fbf-bba9-f18e29e0ed85/Interest_Group.png" width="40px" /> How we operate

The Interest Group Charter is a social agreement between us opting in to do research together.


Scope of work

The working group has been at it for a month now. The questionnaire has been finalized and can be accessed here https://forms.gle/JeBFBa7i1V3256o58 .

The questionnaire will be administered through an online survey methodology and will be open to contributors across all DAOs in the Web 3 space.

The survey covers the following areas of exploration of the respondents:

The data captured through the survey will be analyzed to address the above specified objectives, and the findings will be shared in the form of a PowerPoint deck.

Work Plan

The project will be split in 3 phases. These are listed below

Current status

The current status of the project can be seen here

The ambassador program

Become an Ambassador for this important Bankless DAO project. Help take the project to the external DAO ecosystem. And of course, get a small incentive while you are at it. More details are available here